Our Story

Picture a group of university students from wildly different backgrounds who came together with a passion and one goal in mind: Making education more accessible.

 We’ve seen the slow shift in the quality of education was in effect while the prices of it were drastically being inflated year after year. We wanted to flip that process, make education more affordable with the quality increasing day after day.

 A big part of our solution laid in the medium of how we want to deliver education: Virtual learning, it provides a great quality of education and increases the flexibility for tutors and students all while cutting the overhead costs of establishing a physical presence! Together (with your help (: ) we will build the future of education to bring a top-notch quality that’s able to reach all students regardless of their background!



We are dedicated to providing affordable quality virtual education to all students through gamified group tutoring sessions, community-driven coaching, and lively comprehensive resources



Our vision is to break the financial chains of traditional tutoring and empower students to take control of their learning


• Making math meaningful: With peer to peer tutoring; mentorship; collaboration

• Making math joyful: With an incentivized, gamified system

• Making math practical: With real-life applications that show tangible results

• Making math accessible: With our reasonably priced courses

Promise To You

• We aim to build your critical thinking and math sense skills, and develop your understanding of high level math concepts.

• We want you to approach any new math problem with confidence!

• We want to make a difference in your life to help you make a difference in other people’s lives

• We will always favor quality

• We will constantly innovate new ways to include you in our education no matter what your background or current situation is 

• We will grow with you and learn from you as much as you learn from us!



Constant Growth

• Meaningfulness

• Empowerment

• Financial Freedom

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